Learn how to build and elevate a profitable business using internet marketing strategies that big business is using.
Whether you are a brick and mortar store or strictly online business owner, the internet has leveled the playing field for marketing products and services. You just need to know the RIGHT strategies to implement at the RIGHT time.
The Hustle of Having an Online Platform
Finding Your Hustle
For those of you who are looking for a creative outlet, the great news is that the barrier to entry to start an online business is NOT high. And you do NOT need to sign up for some crazy $2,000 starter kit to start a multi-level marketing business.
For most, online ventures that start with the right heart allows women to sustain their creativity because they are able to continue to be fulfilled in writing, sharing, and creating topics that they love and care about.
Those who start with the intention to JUST make money by finding a topic that is more aligned to revenue rather than passion find out that the income is not sustainable because they will find themselves creating on a topic they've lost interest in.
I'm going to share with you tips and tricks on HOW to find your unique voice and niche that down so that you can not only have a platform you LOVE using, but also how to become profitable.
Elevating Your Hustle
Small business owners have an amazing advantage in that you can hone in on your products and services because of the agility you have as compared to big business. This means you can hone in on your niche and dominate the internet marketing game.
Did you know that 15% of searches in Google are NET NEW searches? That means that this space is STILL GROWING. To you as a business owner, these 15% are people you can potential provide value to and convert as customers.
Let me help teach you the business strategies that big business is using and implement them in your small business to help pivot your business to the next level.
"It's not about finding your voice, it's about giving permission to use your voice."
- Kris Carr
Everyone's doing it, I'm too late.
One of the many ways that you can make money online is getting TRAFFIC from Google to your site (it's not the only way). Stay with me here, I'm going to make a point.
For a brand new site, it will be added to a Google Sandbox for six months while Google figures out whether you are worthy of their traffic (so that they can determine whether you are one of those bad guys creating terrible websites with a bunch of links to make easy money).
If you drag your feet and WAIT to start, just know that you are adding not only the time you wait, but an additional half year when you are ready to start seeing results.
The great thing about online businesses and internet marketing is that the barrier to entry is SO low. The bad thing about that is that means EVERYONE is trying it.
Because of this six month sandbox, in this world of instant gratification, most people dropout of this hustle. That's great news for those that are in it for the long haul.
If you are PASSIONATE about your topic and niche, that will resonate into the consistency of content creation and the longevity of your side hustle to get past that hurdle.
The Benefits of Creating an Online Platform
When you start a side hustle, you are not only starting a journey to making your voice heard and finding creativity during the small outlets of life, you will find that there are SO MANY beautiful side effects of running a business. Whether you are a working mom, a stay-at-home mom, or a woman looking to just elevate herself from the staleness of the day-to-day, the benefits are amazing.
New Skills and Talents
As an online internet marketer, you will learn content marketing, project management, and email marketing. These are competences that may help you in other areas of your life (especially if this is a side hustle).
New Friendships
The relationships you form through online communities, in real life conferences, and local friendships will be incredible. It's a new circle of friends that will strengthen and cultivate your passions.
Financial Freedom
Once you hit your stride, you will find the phrase, "Follow your passions and the money will follow" will ring true. Imagine even how just a couple hundred dollars a month will help you.
When you’re doing something you’re passionate about, you’ll be happier in all aspects of your life.
Testimonials and What Others Have Said
The knowledge Seng has on using data and analytics is amazing. I was able to use data from Facebook and my website to retarget my audience to provide them value and also provide them products!
Small Business Owner
Being able to get past the hurdle of just getting started was so helpful! Seng's courses and mentorship has helped me just GET started on these ideas that I had for my blog and they are now coming to life!
Small Business Owner
Seng has taught me so much on how to manage my blog like a TRUE business. Creating project plans, roadmaps, and timelines has enabled me to FOCUS on the important things to drive profit.
5 Year Blogger
Invest in Yourself Today
Too often, I find too many women putting themselves last on their "to do" list. This is a domino effect of having their own passions and dreams being put on the backburner.
The Problem
Many times, we consider that others are worth MORE than us. Some of us were raised to think we should always put others before ourselves and ignore our own needs. And that if we don't, we come off as arrogant and self-centered.
Self-care is essential for us all, which includes investing time in yourself. It looks different from person to person. We are all individuals with different preferences. However, listen to your inner voice to find out what makes you content. Sometimes we can’t even hear our own inner voice because we are so busy anticipating the needs of those we care about, so you might have to listen carefully at first. The ultimate key to meaningful relationships really is to love ourselves first.
Self-care in this case could potentially be creating a creative outlet for yourself!
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